Deaf & Disabled People in TV (DDPTV) work with broadcasters, indies and other stakeholders to increase the number of Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent professionals working in television. Whether you are already part of the industry or aspiring to a career in TV, we are here to be part of your journey. DDPTV has teamed up with several external organisations to run a host of events and schemes. If you are a DDPTV member and wish to apply, please use the form below.

Privacy Notice

We will use any personal data provided to us as part of this application, and relevant publicly available information, to consider and make decisions about your suitability for the event or scheme you are applying for. Where you give us special category personal data about yourself, we process this with your consent. You have a right to withdraw this consent at any time. If you are selected for an event or scheme, we will use your personal data to manage our relationship with you and to allow us to produce this event or scheme. For more information on how we may use your personal data, and on your data protection rights please read our privacy policy. For event terms and conditions please visit our T&Cs.